
Christ In Crisis

Hello! We are Hudson and Kaelin soon to be Hatfield (June 1st:)! Our life verse is “For me to live is Christ to die is gain” Philippians 1:21. We have felt called to share the gospel to our neighbors and the nations. God in his unfailing love brought hope to our hopelessness and now we get to share this good news to the world!”

Christ In Crisis focus is to not only bring physical humanitarian aid but eternal aid found in Jesus. To bring light in the darkness and hope to the hopeless. Our goal is to go into places that are facing heavy tragedy: war, natural disasters, diseases and bring them the eternal hope found in Jesus while bringing humanitarian aid. We have already been able to plant seeds of hope in Ukraine, Israel, Northern Egypt, and Lebanon in the midst of great devastation. We would love for your partnership in being able to share the life found in Jesus to people in deathly situations. Thank you for your support and prayers!!! God bless you!!