

Share the gospel and make disciples who make disciples, where the good news can be received

Share the Gospel - connect with those who don't know Christ, form purposeful relationships, and share the gospel so that others can know Jesus.

Make Disciples - train, mentor, and equip men and women of God to love God and love others.

Who Make Disciples - teach them to share the good news and make disciples to expand God's kingdom.

Where the Good News Can be Received - in areas where God opens doors, with a primary focus on prisons.


To expand God's kingdom - immeasurably more than we can imagine, according to God's power that is working within us (Eph 3:20). To see the lives of offenders, ex-offenders, and others changed in dramatic ways. To see strong men and women of God raised up to be strong leaders and bring others to Christ. To see significant impact for those in their sphere of influence, including their spouse, children, parents, extended family and friends. To expand our ministry to more prisons and jails, reaching more people for Christ. To share the Faith, Hope and Love of Jesus with as many as we can.


George & Sharon Benner love Christ and desire to share His
love with others. They have a passion for prison ministry and serve
across several prisons in and around Lexington, NC. God continues to
open doors for them in their ministry and they serve inside the prison
gates ten times a week between them. Their time serving inside includes
leading and attending Bible studies, leading at JumpStart, teaching
re-entry classes, and attending their second home church inside. They
also take offenders offsite each week to their outside church and
fellowship with them. Another service is guiding those who have left
prison and are starting their new lives outside. They have been able to
share the love of Jesus with unbelievers, and they teach and mentor
Christians, from new believers to mature Christians. God is doing great
things inside and outside of prisons. He is raising up strong men and
women of God! Praise God!


Other ministries have included mission trips, disaster relief, Bible studies, Sunday Schools, youth groups, community services, local and foreign mission boards, church boards, and various other ministries.  They have found great blessing in each ministry and God has used each of these to prepare them.  God is making it clear that prison ministry is a big part of His plan for them.


They live in Lexington, NC and have seven wonderful grown children and one beautiful granddaughter.
